Friday 30 December 2016

たい6か。。。どこで たべますか(where do you want to eat)

This chapter also tells about food.But, in this chapter we learned more about it,for example we learned about where do we eat.Restaurant in Japan is called みせ(mise).We also learned about how to describe the dining places,which is a conversation about where can we eat.So,this is one of the example:

シャヒラ:ひるごはん、どこで たべますか。[hiru gohanwo dokode

イザ:あの みせで たべましょう。[ano misede tabemashoo]
シャヒラ:カレーですか。[karee desuka]
イザ:はい。あの みせの カレーは おいしいですよ。[hai. Ano mise no
karee wa oishii desuyo]
シャヒラ:じゃ、そう しましょう。[ja, soo shimashoo]

After class ends,my friends and I want to eat lunch and guess what,we unconsciously speak in Japanese and speak about the dialogue that we had learned earlier.Well,it's very fun actually to do that outside the class and I even speak with my friends that are not learning Japanese,so that they can also learn new things.

We also learn some adjectives such as:

おいしいです。(oishii desu)-delicious
やすいです。(yasui desu)-cheap
はやいです。(hayai desu)-fast example is あの みせは おいしい ですよ。(ano mise wa oishii desu yo).

That's all from me for today.Next chapter is about home so make sure to keep in touch with me,okay?☺❤じゃ、またね。。。。

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