Friday 6 January 2017

だい7か。。。へやが 3つ あります。。

みんなさん、こんにちは。。。Today ,I am going to share about what I learned in chapter 7..This topic is about house.Speaking of house,I really like to go home right now..Okay,so there are different kinds of house at Japan,even in Malaysia there are many kinds of them.So,this is some new words that I learned regarding types of houses in Japan:


For Malaysian houses,we can described them as:


By the way,my house is いっこだて(ikkodate) type.We also learn some adjectives to describe our house such as:

(semai VS hiroi)
(akarui VS kurai)
(atarashii VS furui)
(chiisai VS ookii)

So,the next task that sensei asked us to do is desribe what our house is like by using the sample sentence in the book.This is my description of what my house look like.☺

わたしは トレンガヌに すんでいます。わたしの いえは いっこだて でう。かぞくと すんでいます。わたしの いえは ちいさい です。

Okay,the next part is we learned about things in the house such as:


Then,we do some activities which are we have to list how many rooms,beds,air-conditioners and televisions that we have in the house.I also ask my friend about that.So in my house:
わたしの いえは へやが よっつ あります。ベッドが みっつ あります。エアコンガ あります。テレビも あります。

The last activity in this chapter is we have to send an email to our friend about our house and invite  them to come,but in this case we just send our email to sensei.So,this is my content of the email;

ゾライダ せんせい
わたしの いえは いっこだて です。
わたしの いえは あかるい です。
ちかくに きれいな ビーチガ あります・
やすみに あそびに きて ください。

That's all from me today.This post is quite long, time I will share chapter 8,which will focus more about house.それじゃ、またね。。☺☺☺❤❤

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