Friday 30 December 2016

たい6か。。。どこで たべますか(where do you want to eat)

This chapter also tells about food.But, in this chapter we learned more about it,for example we learned about where do we eat.Restaurant in Japan is called みせ(mise).We also learned about how to describe the dining places,which is a conversation about where can we eat.So,this is one of the example:

シャヒラ:ひるごはん、どこで たべますか。[hiru gohanwo dokode

イザ:あの みせで たべましょう。[ano misede tabemashoo]
シャヒラ:カレーですか。[karee desuka]
イザ:はい。あの みせの カレーは おいしいですよ。[hai. Ano mise no
karee wa oishii desuyo]
シャヒラ:じゃ、そう しましょう。[ja, soo shimashoo]

After class ends,my friends and I want to eat lunch and guess what,we unconsciously speak in Japanese and speak about the dialogue that we had learned earlier.Well,it's very fun actually to do that outside the class and I even speak with my friends that are not learning Japanese,so that they can also learn new things.

We also learn some adjectives such as:

おいしいです。(oishii desu)-delicious
やすいです。(yasui desu)-cheap
はやいです。(hayai desu)-fast example is あの みせは おいしい ですよ。(ano mise wa oishii desu yo).

That's all from me for today.Next chapter is about home so make sure to keep in touch with me,okay?☺❤じゃ、またね。。。。

Tuesday 20 December 2016

CHAPTER 5...なにが すきですか

This chapter is really fun for me, because I learned a lot about food which are my favourites..hihi

こうちゃ-koocha tea)

Those are examples of terms of foods and drinks.Foods in Japanese is called たべもの(tabemono) while drinks are called のみもの(nomimono).

We can also ask about a person's favorite food.
なにが すき ですか?
nani ga suki desu ka(what do you like to eat)

In class,sensei asked us to work in pairs to ask about breakfast. We have the breakfast survey and we have to ask our friends.Oh,breakfast is あさごはん(asa-gohan) in Japanese.In the survey,there are 3 questions which are 

いつも あさごはんを たべますか。
なにを よく たべますか。
なにを とく のみますか。

There are several choices in the survey.At that time,I asked my friend,サイダ(saiyidah) to answer the survey.It is very fun to do the activity.That's all from me.See you in the next chapter....☺☺☺☺☺☺☝☝☝☝

CHAPTER 4(だい4か)かぞくは 3にんです.

This chapter talks about family.I learned many new words regarding family such as:


おとうと-otouto(younger brother)
いもうと-imouto(younger sister)

We also learn about how to describe the quantity of our family members.



So,this is one example of how to use the numbers.

わたしの かぞくは 3にんです。ちちと ははと わたしです。

watashi no kazoku wa san-nin desu.chichi to haha to watashi desu.

Sensei gave us a homework,which we have to right a short essay about our family.It is very fun to write it.

これは わたしの かぞくの しゃしんです。☺
わたしの かぞくは だいすき です!!❤❤❤

This is my short story about my family.Hope that u enjoyy!!どうぞ
わたしの かぞく。わたしの かぞくは 5にんです。ちちと ははと わたしと いもうとと それからおとうとです。わたしの きょうだいは 3にんです。ちちは 47さいです。ちちはテクニシャンです。ははは 45さいです。ははは きょうしです。わたしと いもうとは だいがくせいです。おとうとは がくせいです。わたしの かぞくは だいすきです。

Saturday 26 November 2016

CHAPTER 3...どうぞ よろしく。

This chapter is very interesting to me since I got to learn how to introduce oneself in Japanese.There are fixed expressions that commonly used when introducing yourself in Japanese language.So,let me introduce myself in Japanese.

はじめました。シャヒラです。マレーシアから きました。どうぞ よろしく おねがい します。

Hajimemashite.Syahira desu. Mareeshia kara kimashita.Doozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Remember that よろしく(yoroshiku) is very casual and be careful not to use it to older person/higher status than you or a person who you first met.

In this chapter also,we got to learn name of the country in Japanese.



It is really unexpected,especially when there are some country that have no similarities in their original name.☺

CHAPTER 2....もういちどう おねがいします

In this chapter,we learned about the expressions in classroom.Classroom usually involve teacher-student environment,and most of the time teacher will give instructions.So,there are many new expressions that I learned in this chapter and I got to use it also in other classes.

This is some instructions that we learned:

きいて ください。Kiite kudasai(Please listen)
かいて ください。Kaite kudasai(Please write)
よんで ください。Yonde kudasai(Please read)

In this chapter also,we learned Japanese alphabets which are hiragana and katakana.These are the chart of hiragana and katakana.

Its very fun to learn these because these are very different compared to our words.I will try my very best to memorize each and every one of them,so that I can read them in the future.


Basically,in Chapter 1 of the book,we learned about Japanese greetings.So,this is some of the example of Japanese greetings:


Greeting is considered as one of the basic manners in Japanese community.Starting from an early age,children are taught to greet people around them.It is considered as an early lesson to them.Greetings in Japanese categorized to two which is timely and occasionally.

Timely is very much similar to Malay or English,such as おはいようござます(ohaiyoogozaimasu).
The occasional greetings are much broader in a way that Japan has specific greeting in many occasions.


いって きます(itte kimasu)

I found these greetings are very interesting to practice with my friends.


So,this is my book that is called まるごと(marugoto).In the class,we used this book to learn Japanese.This book is very colorful and fun to read.Hope that I will keep this book until the end..☺☺


Assalamualaikum and hello guys!!This blog is about my Japanese journey or as known as during my Japanese class session.This is my first time making a blog,so please support me,okay?☺I promise that I will make this blog very lively.じゃあ、そうしましょう!!