Monday 9 January 2017


This is some of Japanese kanji that we learned in the class:☺☺



What is Haiku??Haiku is a short poem which consisting of 3 lines and have 5,7,5 syllables.It is introduced by the famous poet Matsuo Basho.Well,we can write in any language actually even in Bahasa..これは わたしの 俳句です。。☺☺☺

だい10か。。いつが いいですか。

みんなさん、こんにちは。。For this chapter,I learned about days in Japanese.

There are also some new vocabulary that we learned regarding time.
So,these are some sentences that combine days and activities.☺☺

らいしゅうの げつようびに びょういん いきます。
(raishuu no getsuyoobi ni byooin ni ikimasu)

にちようびの 7じから コンサートです。
(nichiyoobi no shichi-ji kara konsaato desu)

Next,we have group assignment or known as final project work which is we have to present about Japanese culture with many themes to choose.Our group choose education as a theme,more specifically about primary school.It is so exciting to do research about that theme and at the day of the presentation,we get to know many more about Japan such as Japanese clothing,marriage and traditional game.It is very fun to know all of these and with the presentation ends,our class has reached the end.

This is my classmates..sensei is also with us..☺
It was very fun being with this class..How I wish it will never end,huhu,,,ありがとう ございかます ザライダ せんせい。。。This is the very best class that I ever had..Also,a very big thank you for my classmates for making the class exciting and fun..ありがとう みんなさん for making my Japanese journey a lot of fun and thrilling experience..❤❤❤

Sunday 8 January 2017

だい9か。。なんじに おきますか

こんばんは。。This chapter tells us about daily life.So,in the book there are several activities that we keep doing daily such as wake up,breakfast,go to work and sleep.We also learn about time in Japanese.

So,we can say the routine activities with time.

6:30-ろくじはんに おきます。
7:30-しちじはんに あさごはんを 食べます.

Next,we learned an audio from book about the daily activities that some people done.Then,sensei asked us to write about our daily activities with title まいにち いそがしいです。(mainichi isogashii desu).And then,we have to make a video based on the assignment.So,これは わたしの ビデオです。Hope that you all enjoy the video,,hehe☺☺ 

Saturday 7 January 2017

だい8か。。。いい へやですね

こんにちは。。。Today,I will be sharing about chapter 8 that tells us what things are in the room.As we all know,there are many things in the room that we like to keep.This is some words that I learned:

 We also learned about the position of the things such as:

So,if we want to ask about the position of the things,this is one example:

A:にんぎょうは どこですか。
B:はこの なかに おねがいします。

Then,we also learned about conversations when we are having guest.First,we listened to the audio,and then sensei asked us to move to another room which look like Japanese home and guess what,we had to act and speak just like what we had listened.At that time,there were some of my friends that volunteered to do it and so do I.It is quite a fun and meaningful experience..Too bad I did not take some pictures..

Next,we also learned some parts about about house such as 



The last thing is we have to draw our dream house,or a house plan.So,this is my house plan:
I hope that one day,I will live inside this house with my family when I grow up older,.That's all from me for this chapter..Stay tuned for more!!❤❤じゃ、ね。。

Friday 6 January 2017

だい7か。。。へやが 3つ あります。。

みんなさん、こんにちは。。。Today ,I am going to share about what I learned in chapter 7..This topic is about house.Speaking of house,I really like to go home right now..Okay,so there are different kinds of house at Japan,even in Malaysia there are many kinds of them.So,this is some new words that I learned regarding types of houses in Japan:


For Malaysian houses,we can described them as:


By the way,my house is いっこだて(ikkodate) type.We also learn some adjectives to describe our house such as:

(semai VS hiroi)
(akarui VS kurai)
(atarashii VS furui)
(chiisai VS ookii)

So,the next task that sensei asked us to do is desribe what our house is like by using the sample sentence in the book.This is my description of what my house look like.☺

わたしは トレンガヌに すんでいます。わたしの いえは いっこだて でう。かぞくと すんでいます。わたしの いえは ちいさい です。

Okay,the next part is we learned about things in the house such as:


Then,we do some activities which are we have to list how many rooms,beds,air-conditioners and televisions that we have in the house.I also ask my friend about that.So in my house:
わたしの いえは へやが よっつ あります。ベッドが みっつ あります。エアコンガ あります。テレビも あります。

The last activity in this chapter is we have to send an email to our friend about our house and invite  them to come,but in this case we just send our email to sensei.So,this is my content of the email;

ゾライダ せんせい
わたしの いえは いっこだて です。
わたしの いえは あかるい です。
ちかくに きれいな ビーチガ あります・
やすみに あそびに きて ください。

That's all from me today.This post is quite long, time I will share chapter 8,which will focus more about house.それじゃ、またね。。☺☺☺❤❤